“You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are.”
– Abraham Hicks
I am a Life Coach with a degree in Clinical Psychology. I work with both domestic and international clients from around the world that range in age from 8 to 100 years old.
My professional services are utilized by individuals and companies of various sizes and across multiple categories.
I work with people of all religions and socio-economic backgrounds. We are fully responsible for our lives and our happiness. Life is about living, exploring, and having expansive fully joyful lives. I produce positive results utilizing over twenty one years of experience and proven methods.
How to know if you are ready for coaching?
- Are you stuck?
- Do you want more from your life and don’t know how to go from A to B?
- Do you want to live an authentic, free, fun, successful, joyful life in every area?
- Are you ready to let go of old beliefs and obtain what you desire?
- Do you see that some people have it all and you don’t?
- Are you ready actually live your dreams?
The Law of Attraction Direct Alignment: How to attract exactly what you want.
You know how you feel energized knowing you are going on vacation on a freezing snowy grey January morning? You easily spring out of bed at 4:00am, you are excitedly anticipating reaching the airport, your packed and ready, it seems every light on the way to the airport is green. You are exuberant and relaxed thinking of the sunny beach that awaits you. Life is in flow, you are almost giddy thinking of what a great time you are going to have. Your energy is high and you are happy. Where does that positive energy come from?
Where does that energy go when instead, you over sleep, you have a boss you despise, it’s Monday morning in January and you are heading to a dead end job. You can barely crawl out of bed, there is a foot of snow on your car, you are slimed by a passing bus, and you have a meeting and your now late, the day is dark and dreary, your boss is mad that you are late again. It’s a “bad” day. You slog through the day counting the moments until 5pm and more obligations. Where does your energy go? What makes one day fantastic and one horrible?
I design an individual course of coaching for individuals and companies. I show each client step by step proven methods of how to align with goals and dreams, and the process of how to manifest each. What I teach is not magic; it’s a natural progression – each step builds upon itself and the process is fun and powerful.